Sunday, February 05, 2006

the brasstacks...

"Birth and copulation and death.

That's all when it comes down to brasstacks.....

Birth and copulation and death."

(T.S. Eliot)


Anonymous said...

And eeverything in between is nothing but painful waiting!

'ts me!

A.R.Malik said...

Quite! Esp. the waiting for the copulation bit. Ah well...

Anonymous said...

we are being coerced to comment? threats in mail?

Anonymous said...

ok ok
no need to get all hassled abt this
even we have a life once in a month or so -- for a few minutes mebbe , but its surely there. and yr blog pe dyan do request comes in rite then

Anonymous said...

true enuf......point acknowledged.....but is it worth.... getting brassy over 'brass tacks'?, its plain tautology, ain't it?
okay,apparently, TSE meant more than mere balls n screws.......
.....but you surely must have had your share of them in the past?.....and often too?...
aww.....jus pull your things Up, man.......... get the balls back into rolling.......and,
as TSE seems to suggest for you,......stick it out till it encounters Death....

er.....why doc, infested by screwballs, are you....or is it jus... some slack screws spilling such................ balls? :P

Anonymous said...

Awright Writefully......Giri? or Leo? C'mon, 'fess up. And Junior, u've traversed all the distance from Bruce Sprinstreen country (NJ) to Lynyrd Skynyrd terrain (Sweet Home Alabama) and STILL haven't revealed the grt secret....didja? didja? didja? Tell me, do....