Thursday, February 23, 2006


Hi people. The basic purpose for setting up this blog, viz., getting into the habit of making daily entries , was disrupted for the last 3-4 days, since I was preoccupied with happenings at office. Have just made a major gamble and am now waiting to see if they'll call my bluff. Writing this immediately after a heavy lunch and want nothing better than to collapse in bed, with company (considering my luck so far, that'll be the day! hah!) or without.

The old couple who had been making sour faces at me all month ecer since I moved into their attic-kinda room, have been miraculously become more cheerful ever since I gifted them with a cheap crockery set from my 1st salary.

Now can barely keep my eyes open. Bye and keep touching base.


Anonymous said...

Missing ya :p
Do take care :)


Anonymous said...

junior, u ain't giving me the lurid details I'm pining for. No fair! I'm gonna pester u forever till u 'fess up.

And what's it like to be in a different world? gotten used to it? what're yr 1st impressions?

Anonymous said...

Shud we discuss this in a public forum? :p Will try to mail you over the weekend.... ehh,,, 'try' being the operative word!!

Loads of luv....

Anonymous said...

I'm blushing already! ;) Tc and gimme the lowdown on what it's like out there. Hope to be there soon. Application still being processed.

Anonymous said...

what happened ?? panga again???